Friday, November 16, 2012

Mikhaela's older posts on the evolution of the Frankenstein project

I just wanted to flesh out some prospective directions for the project that will give it more clarity and direction.

What if we take Tara's idea about memes and how it is this crazy out of control fad (creation chaos) and then show how memes can actually be good and useful (redeeming qualities). We can create our own meme about Frankenstein (from open source content) and use him as the gateway or lens to look at redeeming qualities of open sources/ place him as our "creation" in our retelling of Frankenstein.

Or we can focus on videos, ie remix videos. So we can talk about how music has been remixed a lot and the redeeming qualities of a good remix for example I hated the original Umbrella song by Rihanna, but then the remix came out and I liked that the first 10 times I heard it.

But now everybody is able to create them and it is getting chaotic. Now remix videos are autotuned, funny, but pointless.

We can also talk about how people are using remixes for political purposes:

We can create our own remixed version of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, call that our monster and discuss the problems with open sourcing and the chaos that this remix culture has created. We can discus the redeeming qualities of creating our monster out of open sourced materials.

I just thought up a third option. We can create a picture of Frankenstein using open sourced materials and then retell the story of Frankenstein and discuss the monster as this new open source craze. Where there is so much data available that is not open sourced, but illegally ripe for the picking and the difficulties/redeeming qualities of finding actual available open sources for creating our Frankenstein.

We can imbed which monster we choose into our flash video.

To answer the question I posed on Google + our monster can be our remix creation or the product of open sourced materials. We can create our own monster using remix culture and open sourcing.

I couldn't think of a good way to use minecraft. I think our project should include, making our monster, remixing the story in a video, then embedding all of the information we have gathered in our flash video. That gives our project 3 tiers to work on and we can work in pairs on each level.

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