Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mash Up Progress

Tara made a list during class of what we are all working on at this point:

We need to finish the quotes. And start posting everything to the blog. You should all be able to post or have an open invite.

So lets gets the last of the quotes found and all put together for each of the segments

Then lets start working on our static pages on the top of the blog
We changed the URL to match our over all title

we have:

What is this all? (about the project and the plans)
Why Frankenstein? (why we chose it)
What is Remix?
Why does it matter? (what is the controversy)
What's the benefit? (why is remix good?)

and we can change or whatever to these
Also we need to make the story opener and closer
to give to Curtis

And we need to talk to these guys:
John Barton --does voice overs
TMA 295 -- Sharolyn Swenson

someone about obtaining the to host the flash page

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