Monday, December 3, 2012

Project Eval: Successes and Failures

This project turned out a lot differently than we originally envisioned. This could be because we had a hard time picturing what we wanted. We changed the project a little to fit our intended "launch" audience: The Copyright office at BYU.

In some ways, we failed. We dithered and changed our minds and politely disagreed for a good chunk of our allotted time. As a result, we got started on the actual product very late in the semester. In addition, we chose a format that was hard for all of us to work on; effectively leaving most of the heavy lifting to Curtis. All of this added up to an incomplete product.

But, we are ridiculously proud of what we DO have and what we HAVE accomplished. The first half of our story is a pretty professional and impressive product. Not only that, it fits many of the original dreams that we had for it: it's a remix. It's a re-telling of a classic. It is in a form of New Media that will hopefully generate interest from a diverse group of people. It's a positive use for remix. It, along with our blog, is educational and informative about both remix and copyright issues. We will soon have a site to post the final product to. We had a successful launch and generated quite a bit of interest from {the gentleman at the copyright office; what was his name??}, who even stated that he would be interested in posing an updated and finished version on the copyright office's website.

That last bit more than anything means that we've succeeded in the ways that matter. We've created something that can change the world, even in a small way.

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