Thursday, October 25, 2012

The FINAL Plans...

After many revamps and almost group divorces, we present!

Frankenstein FLASH!

Those reading Frankenstein
Those who are questioning remix

Show the power and importance of remix- both the negative (copyright issues) and positive (educational benefits?)

Create an interactive flash video and blog site using the story of Frankenstein to comment on the position of remix. This will be our “thing.” We imagine using lines from the story to actually narrate the story yet keeping with a theme of a modern Frankenstein. The Dr could be “Steve Jobs.” When we have the part for the the Dr picking the body parts, the end user can choose which grave to rob. This could then lead to the different types of remix (parody, etc). For the blog, we could then have other “so-what” pages explaining the power of remix and it’s place in education.


1) Intro- you are the captain and you find this dying Dr. (portrayed as Steve Jobs- too soon?) who begins to tell you his story of his life
what if this is in color?

2) Dr decides to go grave robbing to create something
three types of remix with the predecessor as the grave
I Think this part should stay with the di
3) Dr creates the monster
dependant on which predecessor  you robbed determines what is created

perhaps morphs into a generic monster from the remix
choose your own monster
4) both the Dr and monster become scared and flee
5) the monster kills something representing copyright (aligned with the killing of the boy)
6) the monster then does good -maybe teach a class? (aligned with saving girl)
7) the monster and Dr are reunited and chase each other to where (you) the captain are
8) the Dr then dies and (you) the captain have to choose to let the monster escape or kill him
also in color?
if you kill him, your computer pops up saying itll reboot into safe mode

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